- This is for a number of reasons: for one, a well-designed website lends credibility to a firm, making it seem more legitimate.
- The second is that well-designed websites are easier to use, resulting in more revenue conversions and higher sales.
- For these reasons, some companies spend tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars on high-end website design, many times feeling that these expenses are investments.
- But what many companies don't realize is that there are a few key ingredients to a well-designed website, without which a site may not function properly.
Website Design Components
The first key component of a well-designed website is an intuitive navigation system. Navigation systems should be easy to read, easy to follow, and easily understood by even the most casual web surfer.
A navigation system is a user's roadmap to a website, and it should be as simple and user-friendly as possible. It is best to keep a navigation menu at the top of the page and running horizontally, making it easier to read and easier to use.
The navigation system should focus on "top-level" website sections, with lower-level "subsections" accessible within their specific parent pages. When designing a navigation menu, keep the most inexperienced internet users in mind. Web designing in Delhi should accommodate novice users, not expert users.
The second key component of a well-designed site is quick loading time. It's easy to forget in the age of high-speed broadband internet that not everyone downloads a webpage in a fraction of a second.
Many internet users still connect to the web through dial-up service, and large images and sophisticated applications can be painfully slow to download for them.
Keep a website's loading time low so that even the slowest of connections can quickly reach your content.
I hope this will help you to improve your knowledge... Digital Marketing Profs is the best digital marketing company in Delhi, which provides the best digital marketing and web designing course in Delhi... You can visit our website https://digitalmarketingprofs.in/ or call us at +91-9899712150, +91-9810501504 for any fother query...
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